Dragon Sanctuary
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Dragon Sanctuary

Neopets-Get more than our pets


This small online shrine we honor the noble dragon, swift wolf,and raging dog.

Go to our Guestbook and sign in. If in the comments section you say"i want a dragon" we will hatch and send you your own dragon by email. You then will be able to name it, and email us regurarily to check on how its doing. If your dragon is sick, we will tell you right away. Join the DragonKeeperClub!

Join The NobleWolfClub

Join the NobleWolfClub to get your own wolf! It works just like the old DragonClub, so you can email us to check on how your Wolf is. We will notify you at once if your wolf dies, gets sick, has babies, or has run away.

Join NobleWolfClub!!

Join The ShadowDog club!

The Shadow Dog club works just like the above, only you take care of your dog. Your dog will be very happy if you email it a lot. It will have a lesser chance of getting sick.


We have new members!

Peter- Has a Dragon


Age:1 day


Status: Healthy

Dragon Battles

Dragon Batles...ahh...s4ee two might dragons blowing fire.. isnt it exciting>>



Half Dragons are also welcome here! Just like this hippogriff! Theyre actually very cool too!


The Shoyru is the cutest neopet dragon! If you want to join neopets, click on the link below.


Dragons are so cool! Now we will move on to wolves, but in a second. Hope you like these images of dragons. Yes, some do apperar in the fan art, because we put them there to also be honored.




Wolves are also honored here...wolves are so cool!Imagine being free and roaming over rugged mountain landscapes, tortally the free feeling.


Dogs are man's best friend! They are really cool and i wish i could have one! Feee very free to save these pictures!